A specialized internal department dedicated to optical coatings
In 2015, one of the most important companies in the coating sector, “L.A.V. Laboratorio Alto Vuoto ”in Florence, become part of our company. This acquisition, bringing new machinery and equipment, as well as highly specialized and experienced technicians, allowed us to open a new department for optical coatings.
The reference sectors are medical, aerospace, laser technology, industrial and defense.
The measurements of the spectral characteristics are done through a Perkin Elmer Lambda 750 spectrophotometer and with special optical benches. Our technicians use Essential MacLeod software for project optimization.
Development and implementation of optical coatings with UV-VIS-NIR-IR components
Our internal laboratory is able to realize ultra-high vacuum deposition of the following types:
BBAR, V-AR, W-AR for the VIS-NIR-IR ban
Aluminum, Silver, Gold, dielectrics
Polarized, neutral, band-pass
Solid experience, high quality
AR UV, AR VIS-NIR, IR broadband, V and W
The anti-reflective coating increases the transparency of the substrate and minimizes the reflected energy. The coating also enables increased resistance to environmental factors in sensitive materials. A wide range of solutions is available for all common optical materials.
Polarizing and neutral beam splitters
Complex structures made of thin layers of metallic and dielectric materials to handle light transmission and reflection, as well as polarization.
Special solutions for various applications.
Dichroic Filters (long pass, short pass, bandpass)
Complex structures made of dielectric material to select different bands of the UV-VIS-NIR spectrum.
Metallic mirrors with enhanced protection
Vacuum deposition of pure metals (aluminum, gold, silver, chromium, nickel) with protective coatings, according to the band of use.
High-reflectivity dielectric mirrors
Complex multi-material systems allow the creation of high-reflectivity coatings for high performance in laser and interferometric applications.
Conductive ITO
We make the transparent conductive coatings for space and defense applications. Wide range of resistivity available on various materials. Transparency up to 90%
Special coatings on demand
We design and develop solutions for special applications, collaborating with leading partners for optical technologies and materials. Thanks to our equipment and important collaborations, we are able to provide a wide range of products and solutions.
IR coating (Germanium) on an ultra-thin Mylar substrate
2 micron thickness, for the realization of beamsplitter in the 10-100micron IR band.
The project was born from the collaboration with the CNR of Florence, as part of the experimentation of spectrometric instruments in the IR band for environmental meteorological monitoring.
The joint study made it possible to develop a process that guaranteed adhesion and structural strength.
The study of the coating was also accompanied by a technological study of stretching and locking on the support structure of the special film.
The study also interested ESA for possible applications on satellites. At the moment, development continues for low orbit applications.