Systems and special assemblies

Custom opto-mechanical solutions

We are able to create assembled systems for special applications thanks to the experience gained over many years of activity at the highest levels.

The ISO 5 clean room laboratory (100mq) allows us to carry out assemblies in a perfectly clean environment.

Systems and Activities:

  • Cavity inspection objectives (Pupil Remote and Pinhole lens)
  • VIS-SWIR-NIR objectives
  • Custom-made handpieces for medical laser systems with proprietary design;
  • Assembly of mechanical objectives (objectives, laser optics, etc …) for third parties;
  • Splitting prism groups 2-3-4-5 vis-nir channels;
  • Modification or replacement of filters on digital cameras
  • Assembled by gluing, optical contact and silicate catalysis bonding;
  • Optical gauges and masters;
  • Construction of optical benches, pointers, collimators;
  • Construction and assembly of servo-assisted opto-mechanical assemblies;
  • Component testing (interferometric, spectrophotometric, angular, etc …);
  • Assembly testing (alignment, MTF, resolution, etc …);
  • Interferometer FIZER 100, innovative interferometer in Fizeau configuration that allows measurements of flatness and wavefront deformation in harsh environmental conditions. An innovative optical scheme and an easy to use software make it particularly suitable for use in all optoelectronic laboratories.

Contact us

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